Cyclosporiasis Publications

Key points

CDC regularly documents all publications regarding outbreaks, surveillance, and the epidemiology of cyclosporiasis cases in the United States.

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)

To view MMWR publications, please visit CDC's MMWR site.


  • Whitfield, Y., Johnson, K., Hanson, H., & Huneault, D. (2017). 2015 outbreak of cyclosporiasis linked to the consumption of imported sugar snap peas in Ontario, Canada. Journal of Food Protection, 80(10), 1666–1669.
  • Marques, D. F., Alexander, C. L., Chalmers, R. M., Chiodini, P., Elson, R., Freedman, J., Godbole, G., Hawkins, G., Lo, J., Robinson, G., Russell, K., Smith-Palmer, A., & Kirkbride, H. (2017). Cyclosporiasis in travellers returning to the United Kingdom from Mexico in summer 2017: Lessons from the recent past to inform the future. Eurosurveillance, 22(32).
  • Buss, B. F., Joshi, M. V., O'Keefe, A. L., Allensworth, C. D., Garvey, A., Obbink, K., Mandernach, S., & Safranek, T. J. (2016). Regional investigation of a cyclosporiasis outbreak linked to imported romaine lettuce - Nebraska and Iowa, June-August 2013. Epidemiology and infection, 144(9), 1807–1817.
  • Abanyie, F., Harvey, R. R., Harris, J. R., Wiegand, R. E., Gaul, L., Desvignes-Kendrick, M., Irvin, K., Williams, I., Hall, R. L., Herwaldt, B., Gray, E. B., Qvarnstrom, Y., Wise, M. E., Cantu, V., Cantey, P. T., Bosch, S., DA Silva, A. J., Fields, A., Bishop, H., Wellman, A., … Multistate Cyclosporiasis Outbreak Investigation Team (2015). 2013 multistate outbreaks of Cyclospora cayetanensis infections associated with fresh produce: focus on the Texas investigations. Epidemiology and infection, 143(16), 3451–3458.


  • Kaminsky, R. G., Lagos, J., Raudales Santos, G., & Urrutia, S. (2016). Marked seasonality of Cyclospora cayetanensis infections: ten-year observation of hospital cases, Honduras. BMC infectious diseases, 16, 66.