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Mechanic Repairing a Multi Terrain Loader Pinned between the Loader’s Lift Arm and Frame

Massachusetts Case Report: 09MA044
July 11, 2011


On October 16, 2009 a 65-year-old male heavy equipment mechanic (victim) was fatally injured while repairing a multi terrain loader. At the time of the incident, the multi terrain loader’s lift arm had a fork attachment connected to it and the lift arm was in a raised position. The victim had positioned a step ladder underneath the loader’s raised lift arm against the loader’s cab and it appears that the victim was standing on the ladder at the time of the incident. A co-worker returning to the worksite found the victim crushed between the loader’s lift arm, which was now in the lowered position, and the cab. The co-worker placed a call for emergency medical serviced (EMS). Within minutes EMS arrived and the victim was pronounced dead at the incident location. The Massachusetts FACE Program concluded that to prevent similar occurrences in the future, employers should:

Mechanic Repairing a Multi Terrain Loader Pinned between the Loader’s Lift Arm and Frame [PDF 293 KB]