Washington Group on Disability Statistics

Washington Group on Disability Statistics


Fourth Meeting

September 29-October 1, 2004. Bangkok, Thailand.

Day 1: Wednesday, September 29, 2004

  • Session 1 – Welcoming remarks; update on UNESCAP activities relative to disability measurement and statistics; review of developments since the last meeting and review of objectives and agenda for the 4th meeting.
  • Session 2 – Workgroup 1 will present a draft set of general questions on disability (short form) to be used primarily in census formats related to the purpose of assessing equalization of opportunity. This group was charged with developing a list of measurement domains and criteria to rank domains for potential inclusion, determining if inclusion of a severity indicator is necessary, and addressing the issue of accommodations. Presentation of the proposal will be followed by formal commentary and open discussion.
  • Session 3 – Workgroup 2 will present a paper proposing method/s for implementing the general disability measure (short form). Elements of the proposal will address the issues of pilot testing, translation, enumerator training, and comparability. Presentation of the proposal will be followed by formal commentary and open discussion.

Day 2: Thursday, September 30, 2004

  • Session 4 – Workgroup 3 will present a paper proposing an approach for development of extended measurement set/s related to the general disability measure/s. Elements of the proposal will address the purpose of the extended set/s, the relationship to the general measure, the required characteristics of the set/s, identification of existing questions (survey items) to be considered, the process for including persons with disabilities in developing the extended set/s, methodological and implementation issues, and identification of next steps. Presentation of the proposal will be followed by formal commentary and open discussion.
  • Session 5 – The session leader will direct a discussion of methodological issues related to inclusion of special populations (such as the institutionalized population and children) on surveys and censuses in order to obtain full population coverage and on the implications of differential coverage on disability statistics. The session will be followed by open discussion.

Day 3: Friday, October 1, 2004

  • Session 6 – The Steering Committee chair will lead a discussion on strategic issues including (but not limited to) a proposed long-range work plan for the WG; a plan for provision of technical assistance to requesting countries; a plan for regional meetings including the timeline and location; and the identification of next steps. An update on the status of the World Bank Development Grant Facility (DGF) for strengthening disability statistics will also be provided.
  • Session 7 – Outline next steps, including the objectives for the 5th meeting and meeting closure.