Washington Group on Disability Statistics

Detailed Meeting Program

Eighth Meeting of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics

October 2931, 2008: EDSA Shangri-la Hotel, Mandaluyong, Philippines

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

8:00-9:00 a.m.

Participant registration

Session 1: Opening Session

Welcoming remarks; provide practical information; review of developments since the last meeting; and review the objectives and agenda for the 8th meeting.

Chair: Romulo A. Virola, Philippines

Rapporteur: Cordell Golden, USA

Documents: 1) Executive summary of the 7th annual WG meeting

9:00-9:15 a.m.

1) Welcome and opening remarks
Speaker: Romulo A. Virola, Secretary-General
National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB), Philippines

9:15-9:45 a.m.

2) Review of developments since the 7th meeting; review of objectives / agenda for the 8th
Speaker: Jennifer Madans, USA

9:45-9:50 a.m.

3) Practical information for participants
Speaker: Lina V. Castro, Philippines

9:50-10:00 a.m.

4) Introduction of participants
Speaker: Cordell Golden, USA

10:00-10:15 a.m.


Session 2: Development of Extended Question Sets

This session will focus on the development of the Extended question sets. The purpose and goals for the development of the Extended question set(s) will be presented along with an overview of the Matrix that has been prepared to form the basis, and guide in the development, of the questions. This will also include the rationale for the number of sets developed, etc.

The rationale for collaboration with the Budapest Initiative, Eurostat, UNESCAP, and other groups will be covered. The Workgroup on Extended Measurement Sets will then present the framework used to develop the question sets and the approach taken. Proposed questions in an area will then be presented, followed by a discussion of the questions.

Chair: Jennifer Madans, USA

Rapporteur: representative from NSCB, Philippines; Cordell Golden, USA

Documents: 1) Background & guiding principles to the Extended Sets, 2) Notes on the Matrix, 3) The Matrix, 4) WG Proposed Extended Sets for Disability

10:15-10:30 a.m.

1) Overview of the session on the Extended Sets
Speaker: Jennifer Madans, USA

10:30-11:15 a.m.

2) Background & guiding principles to the development of extended question sets
Speaker: Margie Schneider, South Africa

11:15-11:45 a.m.

3) Introducing the Matrix and laying the foundation for the development of the extended
question sets
Speaker: Mitch Loeb, USA

11:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

4) Discussion and setting the stage for Session 2 after lunch
Speaker: Margie Schneider, South Africa

12:00-1:30 p.m.


Session 2: Development of Extended Question Sets (continued)

The presentation of questions sets and discussion of the questions will continue. The larger group might break up into smaller workgroups to discuss aspects of the Extended sets.

Chair: Jennifer Madans, USA

Rapporteur: representative from NSCB, Philippines; Cordell Golden, USA

Documents: 1) Background & guiding principles to the Extended Sets, 2) Notes on the Matrix, 3) The Matrix, 4) WG Proposed Extended Sets for Disability

1:30- 3:00 p.m.

1) Presentation of the proposed Extended Question sets
Speaker: Margie Schneider, South Africa

3:00-3:15 p.m.

2) Preparation for group work
Speaker: Mitch Loeb, USA

3:15-3:30 p.m.


3:30-4:30 p.m.

3) Group work

4:30-5:30 p.m.

4) Report to plenum from groups
Speakers: Group leaders

Wednesday evening:

7:00-9:00 p.m.

Welcome Dinner/Cultural show, EDSA Shangri-la Hotel
Hosted by the Philippine National Statistics Office

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Session 2: Development of Extended Question Sets (concluded)

This session will include a summary of the discussions and decisions regarding the Extended measures; concluding with a discussion of the next steps.

Chair: Jennifer Madans, USA

Rapporteur: representative from NSCB, Philippines; Cordell Golden, USA

Documents: 1) Background & guiding principles to the extended sets, 2) Notes on the Matrix, 3) The Matrix, 4) WG Proposed Extended Sets for Disability

8:30-9:45 a.m.

1) Recap of yesterday’s work, summary of discussions, next steps.
Speakers: Margie Schneider, South Africa; Mitch Loeb, USA

9:45-10:00 a.m.

2) Photo session

10:00-10:15 a.m.


Session 3: Cognitive and Field Testing

A testing protocol will be presented based on similar developments in the UNESCAP project. Feedback will be requested from WG member country representatives regarding the possibility of participating in Extended set field and cognitive testing activities.

Chair: Gerry Brady, Ireland

Rapporteur: representative from NSCB, Philippines

10:15-11:00 a.m.

1) Presentation of the cognitive testing
Speaker: Mitch Loeb (for Kristen Miller), USA

11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

2) Presentation of field testing protocol
Speakers: Ken Black, Australia; Margie Schneider, South Africa

12:00-1:30 p.m.

Lunch – Hosted by the Philippine National Statistics Coordination Board

Session 4: Methodological Issues Concerning Surveys

This session summarizes the methodological issues that continue to face the WG, including the use of proxy respondents and the development of questions for children and institutionalized populations. In addition, papers will be presented that were developed to introduce the WG to Disabled Peoples’ Organizations and National Statistical Offices, a paper on Monitoring the UN Convention, and a draft paper on utilizing the WG Short Set of Questions.

Chair: Alicia Bercovich, Brazil

Rapporteur: representative from NSCB, Philippines

Documents: 1) WG Report to DPOs, 2) WG Report to NSOs, 3) Monitoring the UN Convention, 4) Understanding and Interpreting Disability

1:30-2:00 p.m.

1) Outstanding issues of WG survey methodology and presentation of WG documentation
Speaker: Mitch Loeb, USA

Session 5: Updates on other Washington Group and Collaborative Activities

This session will include updates and presentations of UNESCAP and World Bank activities. This session will also include a presentation of analysis of the results from most recent round of testing of the Budapest Initiative questions and further analysis of the results from the Irish census.

Chair: Pamela Nabukhonzo Kakande, Uganda

Rapporteur: representative from NSCB, Philippines

Documents: 1) Draft Minutes of BTG Meeting, Quebec City, 2008

2:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Speaker: Haishan Fu, UNESCAP; Ken Black, Australia
2) World Bank/Budapest Initiative/WHO-FIC
Speaker: Jennifer Madans, USA
3) Ireland’s Census
Speaker: Gerry Brady, Ireland

3:00-3:15 p.m.


Session 6: Country Reports

A summary of country reports, country experiences and results using the WG Short measure questions will be presented in this session.

This session will also include a presentation and discussion of the application of the WG Short set of questions in the up-coming round of censusesincluding issues of adapting to regional, cultural, context and training.

Chair: Margie Schneider, South Africa

Rapporteur: representative from NSCB, Philippines

3:15-3:30 p.m.

1) Summary of Country Reports
Speaker: Cordell Golden, USA

3:30-4:30 p.m.

2) Disability in the 2000 Brazilian Census
Speaker: Alicia Bercovich, Brazil
3) Assessing the consequences of chronic diseases on functional health
Speaker: Emmanuelle Cambois, France

Friday, October 31, 2008

Session 7: Potential Funding Opportunities

Potential Funding Toward Research on Official Statistics: The EU’s Framework Programme Seven. An overview of the EU’s 7th Framework Program and the opportunities it may offer in furthering WG objectives through funded research will be presented during this session.

Chair: Jennifer Madans, USA

Rapporteur: representative from NSCB, Philippines

8:30-9:30 a.m.

1) EU’s 7th Framework Program and the possibility of WG funding
Speaker: Hasheem Mannan, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland

9:30-9:45 a.m.


Session 8: Next Steps and Objectives for the 9th Meeting in Tanzania

The Steering Committee chair will lead a discussion providing updates on WG governance issues; summarizing the accomplishments of the 8th meeting; outlining next steps; announcing the dates and location of the 9th meeting and determining objectives for this meeting; soliciting volunteers to host the 10th WG meeting; and will provide closing remarks.

Chair: Mitch Loeb, USA

Rapporteur: representative from NSCB, Philippines

9:45-10:30 a.m.

Speaker: Jennifer Madans, USA

Session 9: Next Steps with Reference to the Extended Questions Sets

Workgroups will meet to plan next steps relative to Extended measure, data analysis, and methodological issues.
Chair: Mitch Loeb, USA

Rapporteur: representative from NSCB, Philippines

10:30-11:30 a.m.

Speaker: Margie Schneider, South Africa; Mitch Loeb, USA

11:30-12:45 p.m.


Session 10 – Closing Ceremony

Chair: Jennifer Madans, USA
Rapporteur: representative from NSCB, Philippines

12:45 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

Speaker: Carmelita N. Ericta, Administrator, National Statistical Office, Philippines

3:00-5:00 p.m.

City Tour of Manila, Philippines