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American Hospital Association (AHA) Annual Survey of Hospitals

Data from AHA’s annual hospital survey are based on questionnaires sent to all AHA-registered and nonregistered hospitals in the United States and its associated areas of American Samoa, Guam, Marshall Islands, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands. U.S. government hospitals located outside the United States are excluded. Overall, the average response rate over the past 5 years has been about 83%. For nonreporting hospitals and for the survey questionnaires of reporting hospitals on which some information is missing, estimates are made for all data except those on beds, bassinets, facilities, and services. Data for beds and bassinets of nonreporting hospitals are based on the most recent information available from those hospitals. Data for facilities and services are based only on reporting hospitals. Estimates of other types of missing data are based on data reported the previous year, if available. When unavailable, estimates are based on data furnished by reporting hospitals similar in size, control, major service provided, length of stay, and geographic and demographic characteristics.


  • American Hospital Association. AHA hospital statistics. 2023.

For more information, see the AHA website.