Radiation Emergencies: What to Expect at a Community Reception Center (CRC) – Long Description

See corresponding Community Reception Centers (CRCs) »

Radiation Emergencies: what to Expect at a Community Reception Center (CRC) infographic with a long description

Radiation Emergencies: What to Expect at a Community Reception Center (CRC)

Accessible link: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/radiation/emergencies/crcs.htm

Each CRC may be a little different. These are the services that you may receive at a CRC, but you may not need to receive all of these services.

Triage (Sorting) Upon arrival at a CRC, officials will tell you where to go next.

(If needed) First Aid / Medical Care You will receive first aid services for minor injuries or burns. Afterwards, you will go to

Contamination Screening Officials scan you to see if you are contaminated. If you do not need First Aid / Medical care or a Decontamination (wash Station), you will go to Radiation Dose Assessment.

(If needed) Decontamination (Wash Station) If you are contaminated, you will be asked to wash or shower and be given clean clothes. You will be screened again.. Afterwards, you will go to

Radiation Dose Assessment You will receive further screening to measure the amount of radiation you received. You may be referred to a hospital or clinic for follow up. Afterwards, you will go to

Registration Once screening shows no contamination, you will go to registration. Officials will collect information about you, your contamination levels (if any), and any symptoms. Afterwards, you will go to

Leaving CRC When you are discharged from the CRC, you may return home or be directed to a public shelter. You will receive instructions for medical follow up, if needed.

For more information visit: www.cdc.gov/nceh/radiation/emergencies/crcs


CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Environmental Health

Special attention is given to CRCs to maintain these priorities:

  • Keeping families together
  • Keeping caretakers and service animals with the people they serve
  • Assisting those with access or functional needs