Strategic Plan Supplement Background

Division of HIV Prevention Strategic Plan Supplement: An Overview of Refreshed Priorities for 2022-2025

Strategic Plan Supplement Background

DHP initiated an effort to refresh its strategic plan to align with the updated organizational structure and the updated National HIV/AIDS Strategy. The goal of this process was to strengthen DHP’s programmatic and scientific efforts through several strategic investments that will better enable the Division to deliver on its goals. This supplement builds on the EHE pillars through the addition of four focus areas: advancing health equity, increasing community engagement, and promoting the use of status neutral and syndemic approaches. These focus areas amplify the work in the pillars as the Division works toward the EHE goals.

Guiding Principles

DHP used four guiding principles to inform development of the 2022-2025 supplement:

Building on an Existing Foundation

DHP used existing strategic plan materials and internal documents, along with information gathered from partners over time, to inform the development of the supplement.

Designing for Action

DHP focused on creating an actionable supplement, complete with the specificity and tools necessary to guide the implementation of recommended actions.

Bringing DHP Staff and Collaborators on the Journey

DHP actively engaged DHP staff and collaborators in the process to strengthen, facilitate buy-in, and encourage commitment to activating the supplement.

Applying a Health Equity Lens

DHP engaged diverse perspectives, including from people with lived experiences, organizations serving disproportionately affected groups, and geographic diversity.

Data Collection Methods and Development Approach

To capture perspectives on the EHE Diagnose, Treat, Prevent, and Respond pillars and the four cross-cutting focus areas and to ensure community engagement throughout this process, DHP facilitated a series of large and small group listening sessions. DHP staff engaged with more than 400 people, health departments, community-based organizations (CBOs), and a diverse set of partners, including policy partners and partners with lived experience. These listening sessions highlighted the Division’s organizational strengths and potential opportunities to improve the effectiveness and reach of HIV prevention interventions. To understand the work the Division is doing and has done in relation to the EHE pillars and the four cross-cutting focus areas, DHP reviewed internal documents and data collected during the recent Division reorganization and past DHP strategic planning documents. DHP synthesized the ideas from these activities and identified six potential investment areas that the Division can focus its attention and resources on that will have an impact on the four cross-cutting focus areas.

External Engagement
  • Health Department Listening Sessions
  • Community-Based Organization Listening Sessions
  • Policy Partner Meetings
  • People With Lived Experiences
Internal Engagement
  • Internal Document Review
  • Fireside Chats with DHP Staff
  • Individual Meetings with DHP Leaders