HEADS UP to Youth Sports Coaches: Online Concussion Training

Key points

  • CDC’s HEADS UP to Youth Sports Coaches: Online Concussion Training shares the latest guidance on concussion safety and prevention.
  • The training provides essential information to help coaches spot signs and symptoms of possible concussions and steps to take if one occurs.


HEADS UP to Youth Sports Coaches: Online Concussion Training‎

After finishing this training, you will be able to:

  • Describe what concussions are, how they occur, and at least one long-term and two short-term potential effects on an athlete's physical and mental health.
  • Recognize at least two signs and two symptoms of concussion you might observe during a practice or game.
  • Explain youth sports coaches' role in determining if an athlete should be removed from a practice or game, and list four steps to take after a possible concussion occurs.
  • List at least two ways youth sports coaches can prioritize concussion safety.

More info for coaches

More info for parents

Fact Sheet for Parents