Travel Health Notice

CDC has the following travel notices to areas impacted by the current H7N9 flu pandemic.

Alert Level 2, Practice Enhanced Precautions

Bird Flu (H7N9) Outbreak in China

  • There are outbreaks of a type of bird flu (known as H7N9) in China.
  • Travelers at high risk for complications from infection should consider avoiding nonessential travel.
  • Travelers to China should take precautions to protect themselves from H7N9 by avoiding areas with known outbreaks, limiting contact with sick people, and practicing careful hygiene.
  • There is no vaccine available to prevent H7N9 virus infection; however, the regular seasonal flu vaccine may offer some protection.
  • People who feel sick should see a health care provider as soon as possible.
Key Points
  • An outbreak of H7N9 influenza has spread worldwide.
  • People at high risk for complications should avoid nonessential travel.
  • Travelers should avoid areas with known outbreaks, limit contact with sick people and practice careful hygiene.
  • People who feel sick with flu-like illness should seek care from a health care provider as soon as possible and should not travel until they are well.
What is influenza H7N9?

H7N9 is a type of flu that can cause severe respiratory illness and, in some cases, death. The virus is spread from person to person. Early symptoms are similar to those of other respiratory viruses, including seasonal flu and may include fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches and fatigue, loss of appetite, and runny or stuffy nose.

What is the current situation?

The World Health Organization has declared a pandemic of influenza A (H7N9) that has spread worldwide, including to most of the United States. CDC is following this situation closely and coordinating with domestic and international partners. More information will be posted as it becomes available.

For the latest on H7N9 visit CDC’s H7N9 Pandemic Situation Summary page.

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