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Surveillance & Key Flu Indicators

CDC releases its first projected estimates of the 2018 Pandemic H7N9 burden in the United States up to this point.

  • Cases: CDC estimates that between 48,000 and 98,000 2018 H7N9p-related cases have occurred.
  • Hospitalizations: CDC estimates that between about 4,000 and 5,000 H7N9p-related hospitalizations have occurred.
  • Deaths: CDC estimates that between 300 and 425 H7N9p-related deaths have occurred.

These estimates represent a potentially catastrophic pandemic that is likely to cause significant stress on the health-care system and on schools, businesses and public services. It is also likely to significantly impact people’s daily lives and cause disruption in our communities and our nation. 2018 H7N9p is shaping up to be most comparable to the 1918 pandemic, which was the most severe influenza pandemic to date. Based on this information we must take aggressive actions now.

Number of Novel Influenza A(H7N9) Cases Reported to CDC, by State As of 14 Sep 2018
number of cases map
Percentage of Visits for ILI Reported by the US Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet), National Summary 2017-2018 and Selected Previous Seasons
ILI slide
Novel Influenza A(H7N9): Influenza Positive Tests Reported to CDC by US Public Health Laboratories, 2017-2018 Season Lab Data
Influenza Positive Test Results
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