Materials to Use When Seeking Care

At a glance

These Better You Know Campaign resources can help women and girls prepare for a visit to their healthcare provider to discuss their symptoms.

A young woman sitting and talking with her doctor

Resources to bring to a healthcare provider visit

If you think you have symptoms of a bleeding disorder and have scheduled a visit with your healthcare provider, below are resources that can help you prepare. If you can, bring a few months of your menstrual chart, so your provider can better understand your bleeding during your periods.

Healthcare diary

This diary can help you prepare for a visit with a healthcare provider so you can accurately discuss your health history and current bleeding signs and symptoms.

Download and print the Healthcare Diary: English | Spanish

Health care diary with questions listed that help track symptoms
Healthcare diary

Doctor visit preparation questions

This tool can be used prior to a healthcare visit by providing questions that may be helpful when talking to your provider about symptoms, diagnosis, and a treatment plan. It may also help you develop additional questions specific to your experiences.

Download and print the doctor visit preparation questions: English | Spanish

Paper that lists questions that helps prepare for a doctor visit
Doctor visit preparation questions

What to know about laboratory testing

Your healthcare provider may refer you to a hematologist. This is a doctor who specializes in diagnosis and treatment of blood disorders. The hematologist will likely do laboratory testing. The Better You Know materials can help you understand and track the testing that may be done.

Guide to lab tests, screening tools, and health exams

Medical testing to determine if a woman or girl has a bleeding disorder can be complex and the confusing. The booklet What Women and Girls Should Know About Getting Tested for Bleeding Symptoms provides information about the different types of physical exams and laboratory tests that may be done.

Download and print the guide: English | Spanish

Front page of a medical testing booklet with the Better You Know logo
Lab test guide for women and girls

Lab test log

This tool helps patients track the types of laboratory tests ordered by healthcare providers when determining if they have a bleeding disorder.

Download and print the lab test log: English | Spanish

Chart with empty rows to track lab tests and their results
Lab test log