Map Details: Maryland Employees Reached through Participation in Healthiest Maryland Businesses (HMB)

Impact Statement

Workplaces provide a valuable opportunity to promote healthy behavior; in 2015, the average employed American age 25 to 54 with children spent 8.8 hours per work day at work or performing work-related activities (Bureau of Labor Statistics, American Time Use Survey).

The map indicates the number of employers and employees reached by Healthiest Maryland Businesses (HMB). In each region, the yellow square is proportionate to the total number of businesses participating in HMB, and the pink circles are proportionate to the total number of employees reached through participating businesses. The Central Region has the highest number of participating businesses and the largest number of employees reached by HMB.
Key Points

Major Findings 

The CDC Worksite Health ScoreCard is a tool designed to assess the implementation of health promotion strategies in worksites. Since 2012, 348 businesses reaching a total of 302,455 employees completed the ScoreCard as part of the Healthiest Maryland Businesses (HMB) program (as of February 28, 2017).

How the map will be used, or has been used

This map will help the HMB program understand regional differences in employer participation and identify areas where further outreach may be needed to increase participation.