Lung Cancer Screening Quiz

How much do you know about lung cancer screening? Find out with our short quiz!

The only recommended screening test for lung cancer is low-dose computed tomography (also called a low-dose CT scan, or LDCT). The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends yearly lung cancer screening with LDCT for people who—

  • Have a 20 pack-year or more smoking history, and
  • Smoke now or have quit within the past 15 years, and
  • Are between 50 and 80 years old.

A pack-year is smoking an average of one pack of cigarettes per day for one year. For example, a person could have a 20 pack-year history by smoking one pack a day for 20 years or two packs a day for 10 years.

Find out more about lung cancer screening, including who should be screened, the risks of screening, and when screening should stop.