2022 Project: Helix, Inc.

Genomic surveillance of respiratory pathogens with an integrated clinical dataset across a multisite network of health systems

What to know

Helix, Inc., created a pan-respiratory virus surveillance program that links virus genomes to key clinical and demographic data across a multisite network.

Decorative image with words "2022" and "SARS-CoV-2"

Findings on SARS-CoV-2 surveillance and investigations

Helix, Inc., led a pilot study to demonstrate the utility of a nationwide viral surveillance program. This study centered on pan-respiratory genomes linked with key patient data and identified primary considerations and hurdles involved with developing this type of infrastructure.

The infrastructure standardized the process of patient consent, sample collection, and data reporting and returned data back to each site to ensure the analyses and decisions of each site were based on locally gathered information.

Awarded in 2022, this project was jointly supported by CDC's Office of AMD and the Center for Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics.