Social Media Library

The messages and images below are intended for organizations, public health officials, and the public to use with social media tools, such as Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Each message is 140 characters or less, per Twitter requirements. Messages may be used as written or customized to address local or other specific needs.


  • Got diarrhea? Shigella germs are in the stool (poop) of infected persons and can spread easily from person to person. Regular handwashing is the best way help prevent yourself and others from getting sick. Keep Shigella on the sidelines, and remember to wash your hands often with soap and water.
  • Did you know that a germ called Shigella causes approximately 500,000 cases of diarrhea in the US annually? It only takes a very small amount of Shigella germs to make someone sick. Help keep Shigella germs at bay by washing your hands with soap and water every time you use the bathroom and before eating and preparing food.


General Messages
  • Diarrhea is never fun… Keep Shigella germs on the sidelines and remember to wash your hands often with soap and water
  • What’s Shigella? A group of bacteria that causes about 500,000 cases of diarrhea in the US per year. Help prevent it:
  • Help keep diarrhea-causing Shigella germs away by always washing your hands with soap and water after using the bathroom
  • Diarrhea, fever and stomach cramps are all symptoms of shigellosis. Lower your risk of getting sick:
  • Handwashing is your best defense against diarrhea. Help prevent the spread of the Shigella germs:
Sexually Active People
  • Did you know the diarrhea germ Shigella can be spread through sexual activity? Talk with your partner:
  • Have you or your partner experienced diarrhea recently? It could be shigellosis. Practicing safer sex is key to staying healthy.
Child Care
  • Help keep diarrhea-causing Shigella germs from attacking your health, and remind kids that soap, water, and clean hands are their superpower
  • Remind kids that handwashing with soap & water is the best tool to fight diarrhea-causing germs like Shigella
  • #Parents: it only takes a few Shigella germs to get sick with diarrhea. Help kids learn when and how to wash their hands.
  • Diarrhea-causing Shigella germs linger on unclean hands and diaper-changing surfaces. Good hygiene is key:
  • Outbreaks of diarrhea caused by the germ Shigella can happen in childcare centers. Good hygiene is key: