Map Details: Minnesota Community Wellness Grant: Targeting Interventions to High Need Populations

Impact Statement

Community Wellness Grant subawardees have successfully targeted their interventions to high need populations in the first three years of the grant; however, gaps were identified that could assist subawardees in planning where to focus their work in the final year of the grant.

This map displays high need areas identified from census data and the distribution of grant partner sites of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s State and Local Public Health Actions to Prevent Obesity, Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Stroke (DP14-1422PPHF14) program, known as the Community Wellness Grant in Minnesota, during the third year of the grant cycle (2016). Approximately half of partner sites are located in high need census tracts, and more than 75 percent of partner sites are located in census tracts with a median-level need index.
Key Points

Major Findings 

In the third year of the grant, about half of partner sites were located in high need census tracts, and more than 75% of partner sites were located in census tracts with a median-level need index. Some high need census tracts do not have any partner sites located within them yet. These areas with gaps may be targeted with future work.

How the map will be used, or has been used

This map has been used to evaluate how well subawardees have targeted priority populations and to assist subawardees in identifying gaps to plan where they might focus their work in the final year of the grant.