Resources for Animal Exhibitors

What to know

  • Animals can sometimes carry germs that can make people sick.
  • Many people get sick after visiting animal exhibits. Common germs people get from animals at exhibits include E. coli, Cryptosporidium, and Salmonella.
  • Design exhibits in ways that will help to prevent the spread of disease.
A young girl feeds a goat, supervised by her mother

If you work at, manage, or design animal exhibits

Even healthy animals can carry germs that might make visitors sick. When designing an exhibit, you want to protect your animals and your visitors, while preserving the fun and education.

Design exhibits in ways that will help to prevent the spread of disease:

  • Provide stations for handwashing at the exits of animal exhibits, including some that are low enough for children to reach.
  • Educate staff and visitors on how to prevent illness after being around animals.
  • Provide signs for guests on when and how to wash their hands, where they can eat, and areas for the animals. Use plain language and pictures.
  • Keep dining and animal areas separate.
  • Train staff and educate visitors on diseases animals may carry and how to prevent them.
  • Teach staff about the risks of working around animals. Encourage them to talk to visitors about safety around animals, such as handwashing.
  • Provide staff with resources on safety at animal exhibits, especially if staff includes veterinarians or healthcare providers.

Additional information