Implementing the Technical Packages for Violence Prevention

Implementing the Technical Packages for Violence Prevention

Implementation is the process of taking action to put a plan into practice in order to bring about a desired result.  Violence Prevention in Practice focuses on taking action to select and implement the strategies presented in the Division of Violence Prevention’s (DVP) technical packages.  The resource is designed to support state and local health agencies and other stakeholders who have a role in planning, implementing, and evaluating violence prevention efforts.

Violence Prevention in Practice is organized into sections that are each focused on one phase of implementing a violence prevention plan:

  • Planning — assessing needs, resources, and capacity, and creating a comprehensive plan
  • Partnerships — identifying and engaging stakeholders
  • Policy Efforts — identifying potential roles for public health in the policy process
  • Strategies and Approaches — choosing strategies and approaches that are likely to prevent violence
  • Adaptation — changing approaches to fit needs while still producing intended outcomes
  • Implementation — putting your plan into action
  • Evaluation — tracking and measuring outcomes

Each section also has corresponding Tools, Stories, Tip Sheets, and Resources, related to that phase of implementation.

Comprehensive violence prevention means addressing multiple factors that influence violence and engaging multiple sectors, such as public health, government, and business. A comprehensive violence prevention plan includes a mix of strategies and approaches that address several risk and protective factors and how these factors affect people, communities, and society. In combination, the strategies in the technical packages are intended to change norms, environments, organizations and behaviors in ways that prevent violence or modify the factors that increase or buffer against the risk for violence.