Helping Families Follow-Up with Referrals for Developmental Concerns

parents being consulted about the milestone checklist

A family can experience many challenges to following up on referrals and navigating the systems of services for a child with developmental needs. The resources below may help you offer additional support:

Additionally, parents sometimes report that their child’s doctor was not responsive to their concerns about the child’s development or suggested a “wait-and-see” approach that the family is feeling uneasy about. You can help support parents in getting their concerns addressed with a few reminders:

  • Acting early on concerns is the best way to help their child.
  • They know their child better than anyone.
  • They can get a second opinion with another doctor.
  • They do not need a referral from the doctor to call early intervention services (younger than age 3) or their local public school (age 3 and older) to find out if their child might be eligible for services to help.

As you know, you are a wonderful support to families:

  • Your encouragement and reminders can go a long way toward getting a child and family the help they need.
  • Remember, there are many resources in the community to support families in meeting their specific needs. Don’t feel like you need to have all the answers!