Notice of Funding Opportunity PS22-2211: Attachments and Important Resources


  • Attachment A: Indication of complete HIV laboratory reporting
  • Attachment B: Enumeration of stage 0 diagnoses

Note: The Notice of Funding Opportunity application package must be downloaded from

Applications for this funding opportunity must include Attachment A and Attachment B containing the information described below. There are no standardized forms or templates provided for these attachments.

Attachment A should clearly indicate whether the jurisdiction currently has complete reporting of HIV laboratory information, defined as the presence of laws or regulations requiring the reporting of all levels of CD4 and viral load results to the state or local health department, a minimum of 95% of HIV-related test results reported by laboratories to the state or local health department, and at least 95% of all CD4 and viral load test results reported by the jurisdiction to CDC. For more information about reporting of CD4 and viral load results, refer to Monitoring selected national HIV prevention and care objectives by using HIV surveillance data — United States and 6 dependent areas, 2019. Attachment A should be submitted as a PDF no longer than 2 pages entitled “Attachment A Lab Reporting.”

Attachment B should include both 1) the annual number of new stage 0 diagnoses in the jurisdiction and 2) the annual percentage of all new diagnoses that occur at stage 0 in the jurisdiction using the most recent available data. Applicants can provide local eHARS data or refer to the most recent CDC HIV surveillance report. Attachment B should be submitted as a PDF no longer than 2 pages entitled “Attachment B Enumeration.”

Important Resources