Profiles 2022 Response Rates

Sample Sizes and Response Rates, School Health Profiles, Principal and Lead Health Education Teacher Surveys, 2022

Sample Sizes and Response Rates, School Health Profiles, Principal and Lead Health Education Teacher Surveys, 2022
Site Sample size Response rate (%) Sample size Response rate (%)
Alaska 123 52 96 41
Arkansas 239 80 171 58
Arizona 270 64 243 57
California 298 58 264 51
Connecticut 223 73 219 72
Delaware* 63 63 56 56
Hawaii* 109 89 108 89
Idaho 120 44 107 40
Illinois† 282 62 269 60
Indiana 281 76 275 75
Iowa 252 72 250 72
Kansas 182 52 174 49
Kentucky 239 72 238 72
Louisiana 246 66 197 53
Maine* 208 71 204 70
Maryland 248 74 239 71
Massachusetts* 481 61 501 64
Michigan 278 71 279 71
Minnesota 268 81 254 77
Mississippi 229 81 227 80
Missouri 320 77 310 75
Montana* 249 83 248 83
Nebraska 194 66 166 57
Nevada* 129 63 133 65
New Hampshire* 246 100 245 99
New Jersey 222 53 141 33
New Mexico 231 79 213 72
New York 399 82 212 44
North Carolina 301 68 287 65
North Dakota* 155 86 149 83
Ohio 317 71 318 71
Oklahoma 321 76 108 25
Oregon 207 58 176 49
Pennsylvania 302 75 297 74
Rhode Island* 94 76 93 75
South Carolina 80 26 75 24
Tennessee 299 87 299 87
Texas 382 74 361 70
Utah* 170 63 140 52
Vermont* 129 89 135 93
Virginia 238 63 185 49
Washington 228 58 225 57
West Virginia 191 80 180 76
Wisconsin 325 77 303 71
Albuquerque, NM* 44 92 43 90
Boston, MA* 68 97 69 99
Broward County, FL* 77 94 73 89
Chicago, IL 258 80 249 77
Cleveland, OH* 89 99 89 99
District of Columbia* 30 75 38 95
Duval County, FL* 48 100 47 98
Eaton, MI* 12 92 10 77
Fort Worth, TX* 39 95 34 83
Gaston County, NC* 21 100 21 100
Genesee, MI* 19 100 18 95
Hillsborough County, FL* 77 97 75 95
Houston, TX* 70 89 71 90
Los Angeles, CA* 115 90 115 90
Nashville, TN* 44 94 45 96
New York City, NY 307 77 233 58
Newark, NJ* 50 100 48 96
Oakland, CA* 25 76 26 79
Orange County, FL* 49 70 52 74
Palm Beach County, FL* 43 70 50 82
Pasco County, FL* 29 97 27 90
Philadelphia, PA* 151 88 145 84
Portland, OR* 30 88 33 97
San Diego, CA* 57 100 57 100
San Francisco, CA* 39 95 33 80
Seattle, WA* 19 70 22 81
Shelby County, TN* 48 75 51 80
Spartanburg, SC* 15 100 15 100
Northern Mariana Islands 11 100 9 82
Puerto Rico 214 69 161 52
Cherokee Nation* 103 73 106 75

*Sample was a census of secondary schools.