Travel Safe with a Bleeding Disorder

What to know

It's important to plan ahead to manage bleeding disorder care when you're traveling, so you have everything you need and you're prepared for potential medical emergencies that could occur while away from home.

An airplane taking off a runway with the sunset in the background

Before you go on a trip

  • Talk to your doctor about your travel plans to make sure you are in healthy condition to travel.
  • Ask your doctor if there are any recommended vaccinations based on your travel plans. Vaccinations, such as hepatitis A and B vaccines, are highly recommended for people with bleeding disorders.

What to pack

Cartoon image of a letter
Pack a travel letter.

Travel letter

  • Ask your doctor for a travel letter that describes your bleeding disorder and the medicine you take. Download a sample.
  • Your travel letter will allow transportation security officials to make sure your medicine and medical supplies are allowed while traveling.
  • If you are traveling internationally, consider having an additional copy of the travel letter written in the primary language spoken in the country you are visiting.
Medicine and medical supplies
Bring medicine and medical supplies.

Medicine and medical supplies

  • Medicine and medical supplies are exempt from airline baggage restrictions.
  • Clearly label all medicine and medical supplies and pack them separately in a carry-on bag. If items are safely stored in your carry-on, you will be able to use your items at any time, and you will have your items with you in case your checked luggage is delayed or lost.
  • If there are any items that should not be exposed to X-rays, request your items be physically inspected by the transportation security official.
  • Unexpected travel delays can happen. Pack extra amounts of medicine and supplies in the event that your return home is delayed.

Pack these medical supplies in your carry-on or in a bag you have with you at all times:

  • Vials of factor medicine
  • Diluent (a liquid used to form or thin a solution. Normal saline or sterile water are diluents that can be mixed with factor powder)
  • Reconstitution device (a device used to "reconstitute" or mix factor with a diluent, usually water, before it can be infused or given to a person with hemophilia. Factor is stored in powdered form because it rapidly loses its power once mixed in a solution.)
  • Syringes (needles)
  • Alcohol and cotton pads
  • Disinfectant (a product that destroys bacteria or other harmful substances)
  • A sharps container to throw away used syringes
Cartoon image of a hospital
Have a list of healthcare facilities where you will be traveling.

List of healthcare facilities

Cartoon image of a doctor with a pencil and a check list on a clipboard
Have a copy of your medical information and contact information.

Medical and contact information

  • Keep a copy of your important medical and contact information with you.
  • Consider wearing a medical ID emblem if traveling alone to help inform medical personnel if you become unconscious or unable to communicate during an emergency.


For more information on traveling safely with a bleeding disorder, visit the National Bleeding Disorders Foundation's Steps for Healthy Living web page.