Video Resources

At a glance

In the videos below, women share their personal experiences about what it's like to have a bleeding disorder.

Diverse group of women posing for a picture together

About these resources

Better You Know: Women with Bleeding Disorders

In the videos below, you will meet 10 women talking about their experiences living with a bleeding disorder. These women share their experiences living with symptoms of a bleeding disorder, their journeys between the onset of their symptoms and diagnosis, and the empowerment gained from knowing their diagnosis.

These videos were developed by the National Bleeding Disorders Foundation as part of Better You Know and funded through a cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Women and Bleeding Disorders: Living with von Willebrand Disease

Hear from three women in this YouTube video sharing about their experiences living with von Willebrand disease (VWD). Learn about the signs and symptoms of VWD and why it's important to seek help if you have any questions or concerns about abnormal bleeding.