Washington Group on Disability Statistics

Fifth Meeting

September 21-23, 2005: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil



The fifth meeting of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics (WG) was held September 21-23, 2005, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, hosted by Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica (IBGE), in collaboration with CORDE.





The meeting was organized into 10 sessions. Objectives for the 5th meeting were to:

  • Present work on continued development of the general disability measure.
  • Present work on the written protocols and plans for implementing the general disability measure, including lessons learned from regional workshops.
  • Present work on the development of extended measurement sets and the associated papers.
  • Discuss methodological issues related to proxy and nonresponse and to continue discussion of full population coverage.
  • Discuss strategic issues.


Papers and Presentations


Session 1: Opening Session


Session 2: General Measure of Disability: Proposed Revisions and Recommendations


Session 3: Implementing the Pre-test of the General Disability Measure


Session 4: Report on Regional Workshops


Session 5: Conceptual Issues Related to Disability Measurement


Session 6: Proposed Approach for Development of Extended Measurement Set/s


Session 7: Discussion of Methodological Issues Related to Full Population Coverage


Session 8: UNSD Report


Session 9: Strategic Issues


Session 10: Next Steps and Objectives for the 6th Meeting in Africa




Workgroup Contacts

Five workgroups will address major next steps of the WG. Chairs have been identified for each workgroup. The chairs serve as the contact for each group. Information on the workgroup topics and chairs is provided below. WG members who wish to volunteer to participate in one of these groups, please contact the workgroup chairs.

  • Workgroup on General Measure/s
    Chair: Barbara Altman, USA
    Next steps for this group include addressing recommendations for revisions to the general measure as well as the rationale, including clarifying the issue of seriousness/severity of disability. This workgroup will evaluate the effect of question order on prevalence when the short set is placed on a larger survey. As part of future work, this workgroup will consider developing the general measure as a screener.
  • Workgroup on Implementation
    Chair: Joseph Muli-Kalavi, Kenya, International Development Project
    Alternate: Hasheem Mannan, USA
    This workgroup will serve as a resource for countries conducting the WG pre-test including any revisions needed to the implementation protocol.
  • Workgroup on Extended Measure/s
    Chair: Marijke de Kleijn, The Netherlands
    Next steps for this workgroup is the development of a plan (blueprint) for extended sets, addressing the purpose, rationale, justification for the set and addressing international comparability. The workgroup will also formulate possible options for additional domains to be measured to address the purpose of equalization of opportunities and recommend additional domains for inclusion on one extended measurement set. Furthermore, this workgroup will also begin development of an extended set on environmental questions.
  • Workgroup on Methodological Issues
    Chair: Howard Meltzer, United Kingdom
    This workgroup will address methodological issues of importance to the Washington Group.
  • Workgroup on Analysis
    Chair: Dan Mont, World Bank
    During the annual meeting in Rio, this new workgroup was formed in order to plan and conduct analyses that will inform the WG work on the general measure.


Meeting Contacts

Beth Rasch
Associate Service Fellow
National Center for Health Statistics
3311 Toledo Road, Room 6110
Hyattsville, MD 20782
Telephone: 301-458-4248
Fax: 301-458-4037
Email: Erasch@cdc.gov

Barbara Altman
Special Assistant for Disability Statistics
National Center for Health Statistics
3311 Toledo Road, Room 6111
Hyattsville, MD 20782 (USA)
(Phone) 301-458-4654
(Fax) 301-458-4038
(Email) BAltman@cdc.gov

Jennifer Madans
Associate Director for Science
National Center for Health Statistics
3311 Toledo Road, Room 7202
Hyattsville, MD 20782 (USA)
(Phone) 301-458-4500
(Fax) 301-458-4020
(Email) JMadans@cdc.gov

Hasheem Mannan
Associate Service Fellow
National Center for Health Statistics
3311 Toledo Road, Room 6413
Hyattsville, MD 20782 (USA)
Telephone: 301-458-4664
Fax: 301-458-4038
Email: HMannan@cdc.gov


Executive Summary