Our Priorities

At a glance

NCEZID's current priorities focus on ensuring CDC is prepared to respond to infectious disease threats and promoting public health equity.

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Infectious disease preparedness and response

NCEZID is best known for responding to outbreaks of infectious diseases, from foodborne outbreaks to global-scale epidemics like Ebola and COVID-19. Preparing for infectious disease threats, whether they are naturally occurring or the result of an intentional release, is one of the mission-critical activities of NCEZID. Our priorities are driven by the need to protect against the growing global threat of infectious diseases, which is constantly evolving in response to our changing world.

We are committed to ensuring we are prepared and ready to respond to the next infectious disease threat by:

  • Ensuring we have staff, structure, and capacity to respond.
  • Implementing data readiness efforts to support predictive science and rapid sharing of information.
  • Enhancing laboratory readiness, including diagnostic capabilities.
  • Supporting next generation sequencing and Advanced Molecular Detection capabilities.
  • Conducting research for data-driven forecasting, prevention, and mitigation of threats.
  • Establishing measurable outcomes to strive for in advancing global health.

Learn more about our priority work

Health equity

Promoting public health equity through investigation and intervention is another key priority of NCEZID. Our focus on equity maintains our drive to build capacity for health equity science and practice and enhance the intentional use of an equity-centered approach across our center's portfolio.