Table 26. Primary and Secondary Syphilis — Reported Cases by Race/Hispanic Ethnicity, Age Group, and Sex, United States, 2022

Table 26. Primary and Secondary Syphilis — Reported Cases by Race/Hispanic Ethnicity, Age Group, and Sex, United States, 2022
Age Group American Indian/
Alaska Native
Asian Black/
African American
Total* Male Female Total* Male Female Total* Male Female Total* Male Female
0-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 1 1 1 0
5-9 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 2 2 2 0
10-14 2 1 1 0 0 0 14 2 12 14 6 8
15-19 81 34 47 24 20 4 966 576 390 520 371 148
20-24 201 103 98 130 112 18 3,164 2,225 936 1,899 1,491 406
25-29 276 158 118 209 194 15 3,530 2,664 860 2,385 1,936 445
30-34 360 207 153 199 172 25 3,750 2,961 787 2,258 1,879 377
35-39 304 158 146 147 127 20 2,387 1,886 498 1,691 1,402 287
40-44 172 92 80 110 97 12 1,572 1,241 329 1,185 961 223
45-54 159 90 69 118 111 7 1,837 1,501 336 1,238 1,048 189
55-64 52 39 13 42 38 4 1,171 1,020 149 525 474 51
65+ 15 13 2 9 7 2 298 259 39 111 104 7
Unknown Age 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1
TOTAL 1,623 895 728 988 878 107 18,696 14,338 4,339 11,831 9,676 2,142


Table 26. Primary and Secondary Syphilis — Reported Cases by Race/Hispanic Ethnicity, Age Group, and Sex, United States, 2022
Age Group Multiracial Native Hawaiian/
Pacific Islander
White Other/Unknown
Total* Male Female Total* Male Female Total* Male Female Total* Male Female
0-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
5-9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10-14 1 0 1 0 0 0 7 3 4 1 0 1
15-19 103 56 47 3 1 2 438 235 201 139 84 54
20-24 276 175 101 31 19 12 2,014 1,296 715 520 390 129
25-29 362 230 131 39 30 9 2,870 1,954 915 646 527 119
30-34 386 268 117 39 32 7 3,453 2,303 1,149 671 524 147
35-39 303 227 75 29 17 12 3,097 2,054 1,041 566 426 138
40-44 197 146 51 20 13 7 2,469 1,638 831 405 286 119
45-54 240 202 38 23 13 10 3,139 2,389 749 449 356 91
55-64 104 88 16 6 4 2 1,994 1,763 230 208 188 20
65+ 27 26 1 1 1 0 516 483 33 81 72 9
Unknown Age 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 3 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 1,999 1,418 578 192 130 62 20,001 14,121 5,869 3,686 2,853 827
* Total includes cases reported with unknown sex.
NOTE: See Technical Notes for more information on syphilis case reporting and on collection of race and Hispanic ethnicity data for STI cases. This report includes data from years that coincide with the COVID-19 pandemic, which introduced uncertainty and difficulty in interpreting case data. See Impact of COVID-19 on STIs for more information.
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