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Stigma/Recovery Video PSA (60 seconds) Video Transcript

Stigma/Recovery Video PSA (60 seconds) Video Transcript

  • Length: 60 seconds

Narrator: Overcoming drug addiction was difficult. But I found the path to recovery that worked for me. Treatment helped me come to terms with the issues in my life that caused me to use drugs, and I found better ways to cope. Learning I had a substance use disorder made me realize I needed to make a change. The road to recovery is different for everyone. There were good days and bad days, but I found strength in seeking help. My friends and family made a huge difference in my recovery. I never gave up; I found my path and I kept walking it. Find that path that works for you.

On-Screen Text: You can do this.

On-Screen Text: One in 14 Americans reports experiencing a substance use disorder.

Narrator: Learn more at

On-Screen Text:

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