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Britton’s Rx Awareness Story Video Transcript

Rx Awareness TV Video Transcript

  • Candidate: Britton
  • Length: 30 seconds

On-screen text: Prescription opioids can be addictive and dangerous.

Audio description: Britton looks at photos in a photo album. Britton: One day you’re serving in the military. You come home, and you’re dealing with an injury.

Audio description: Britton walks down the street.

Britton: My opioid misuse and need got so strong…Addiction is hard.

Audio description: Britton talks to a friend.

Britton: You have to reach out for help. The recovery side of it is amazing. You get to a place where you’re proud of yourself again.

Narrator: If you or someone you know is struggling, there is hope. Recovery is possible.

On-screen text: There is hope. Recovery is possible.

« Britton’s Rx Awareness Story Video

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