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Oral Health Data Glossary

Community Water Fluoridation Glossary



A public water system that is adding fluoride to their source water for oral health benefits. An Adjusted system is always designated as Fluoridated. See also Fluoridation Status.


Census Population
With the exception of only dicennial census years, each United State Census Bureau (UCSB) state and county estimate is that year’s vintage, which means it was the estimated population as of July 1 of that year, released in December of that year. Example: 2018 population estimates (2018 vintage) means the population estimates as of July 1, 2018, released in December of 2018.

In a dicennial census year, fluoridation data is calculated and released utilizing USCB population estimates released in December of that year, per our standard practice and schedule. When census results are released, fluoridation statistics for that census year are recalculated using the first release of the population estimate as of July 1 of that census year resulting from the census.

Community Water System (CWS)
A public water system (PWS) that serves the same people each day. PWS and CWS are used interchangeably throughout the data.

Consecutive System
A water system that purchases water from another water system. These systems may be Fluoridated or Non-Fluoridated.

Control Factor Populations
Water system populations are self-reported by the state or downloaded from EPA’s federal State Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS). A control factor is applied to each drinking water population and may differ from information found in other drinking water databases. All PWS populations displayed in Oral Health Data are controlled


Defluoridated System

A water system that has high natural fluoride levels and actively reduces the fluoride level in the water delivered to consumers. Defluoridated systems are rare and not displayed in Oral Health Data.




A water system that is adding, purchasing, or has natural source water with fluoride at or above USPHS recommendation for fluoridated water. The common Fluoridation Status of these systems are Adjusted, Natural, Consecutive.


The adjustment of fluoride to a level beneficial for oral health.

Fluoridation Status

The designation of a water system as Adjusted, Consecutive, Defluoridated, Multi-source, Natural, Non-Fluoridated, or Variable.


System categories
PWS Status Description
  • Adds fluoride to raise the natural concentration up to the optimal level for the prevention of cavities
  • May have its own water source.
  • May purchase non-fluoridated water from another system, then add fluoride
  • All Adjusted systems are designated as Fluoridated
  • May be fluoridated or non-fluoridated depending on the source
  • Purchases water from another system
  • Does not adjust the fluoride concentration
  • The finished water fluoride concentration delivered to consumers is reduced either by a treatment process which removes fluoride from the water, OR
  • Water with high fluoride is blended with waters with a low fluoride concentration
  • Does not purchase water from another system
  • Has a high natural fluoride concentration
  • Defluoridated may be fluoridated or non-fluoridated.
  • Has multiple sources
  • May have any of the following fluoridation statuses: Adjusted, Consecutive, Natural, Non-Fluoridated
  • May be fluoridated or non-fluoridated depending on the source
  • Has a natural fluoride concentration above the minimum control range for that owner (typically 0.6 mg/L)
  • Does not purchase water from another system
  • Has a natural fluoride concentration below the minimum control range
  • Does not adjust the fluoride concentration
  • Is designated as non-fluoridated
  • Does not purchase water from another system
  • Has multiple wells with different fluoride concentrations
  • Has fluoride concentration of the water delivered to consumers that varies widely throughout the year
  • Does not fit into one of the other water system categories









Multi-Source System

A water system that may have different sources of supply. See also Fluoridation Status. Multi-source systems are rare and are not displayed in Oral Health Data.


Natural Systems

A water system that has natural fluoride equal to or greater than the recommended level. A Natural system is always designated as Fluoridated. See also Fluoridation Status.


A public water system with insufficient fluoride for good oral health. Non-Fluoridated is also designated as Non-Fluoridated. See Fluoridation Status.


A water system that adjusts fluoride but the PWS either did not stay within the stated operating control range or the state has not reported operational records to CDC Water Fluoridation Reporting System.



A water system that adjusts fluoride to the recommended level and has documented operating within the states operational control range.


Public Water System (PWS)

Defined by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as a water system that serves 25 or more persons in a day for at least 2 months of the year, or has 15 or more connections







Variable Systems

Water systems that have multiple wells with different fluoride levels. May result in some neighborhoods having sufficient fluoride for oral health and other neighborhoods having insufficient fluoride for oral health. See also Fluoridation Status. Variable systems are rare and are not displayed in Oral Health Data.





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