Partner Advisories and Alerts

Partner Advisory: October is National Protect Your Hearing Month
Partner Advisory: October is National Protect Your Hearing Month

To help teenagers learn more about Noise-Induced Hearing Loss, how to protect their hearing, and overcome the stigma of using hearing protection, CDC has developed a series of resources for teens, including videos, social media graphics, posters, and additional resources.

Partner Advisory: World Hearing Day 2021 will mark the launch of the first-ever World Report on Hearing
World Hearing Day, March 3, 2021. Hearing care for all. Screen, rehabilitate, communicate.

World Hearing Day 2021 and the World Report on Hearing present a global call to action to address hearing loss and ear diseases throughout the lifetime.

July is Fireworks Safety Month! Take care to protect your hearing.
always wear ear protection

You can make a difference! We’ve put together a new video and social media images to help you spread the word. By sharing these on social media and beyond, you can help prevent noise-induced hearing loss during this year’s #Fireworks Safety Month!

Working on your lawn this summer? Take care to protect your hearing!
working on your lawn

At CDC’s National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH), we are committed to educating all people about noise-induced hearing loss in order to help prevent it. Hearing loss from loud noise is permanent — and most people don’t notice their hearing is damaged until it’s too late.

May is Better Hearing and Speech Month
live life at a healthy volume

Along with our partners, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is celebrating Better Hearing and Speech Month to help raise awareness about noise induced hearing loss prevention.


Partner Alert: World Hearing Day, March 3, 2020. This year’s theme is “Don’t Let Hearing Loss Limit You. Hearing for Life.”
hearing for life

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is again partnering with the World Health Organization (WHO) to help support and promote World Hearing Day.


Partner Alert: Protect Your Hearing! Noise Induced Hearing Loss Public Service Announcements (PSAs) at Times Square Nov. 25 – Dec. 2 and Dec. 24 – Dec. 31
partner alert thumbnail

NCEH’s Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) Initiative has hit the big times!


thunmbanil of NPYHM partner Advisory

This October, during National Protect Your Hearing Month, we are coming together to help increase the proportion of youth who lower their risk of noise-induced hearing loss by wearing hearing protection and avoiding loud noises.

MMR partner advisory screenshot

CDC’s MMWR and Medscape are proud to introduce a new FREE continuing education (CE) activity. The goal of this activity is to describe hearing protection device (HPD) use at sporting events and entertainment by U.S. adults, associated factors, and potential preventive measures to reduce noise-related hearing loss, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) survey report.

protect your hearing month partner advisory

This October, during National Protect Your Hearing Month, we are coming together to raise awareness about noise-induced hearing loss, and share easy steps that people can take to protect their hearing.

Partner Advisory World Hearing Day

Every year on March 3, the World Health Organization (WHO) sponsors World Hearing Dayexternal icon, a time to raise awareness about preventing hearing loss and promoting hearing care worldwide. This year’s theme, “Hear the Future,” focuses on strategies to prevent the expected increase in the number of people living with hearing loss.

Partner Advisory - Better Hearing and Speech Month

May is Better Hearing & Speech Month! Sponsored by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, this event is a time to raise awareness about hearing loss and communication disorders. This year’s theme, “Communication for All,” focuses on strategies to prevent the expected increase in the number of people living with hearing loss.

Page last reviewed: October 19, 2021