How does eCR work?

Implementing eCR requires action from industry partners in health information technology, public health agencies, and healthcare organizations.

An example of the eCR process

sick person graphic

Patient is diagnosed with a reportable condition, such as COVID-19

doctor graphic

Healthcare provider enters patient’s information into the electronic health record (EHR)

data graphic

Data in the EHR automatically trigger a case report that is validated and sent to the appropriate public health agencies if it meets reportability criteria

provider graphic

The public health agency receives the case report in real time and a response about reportability is sent to the provider

health department graphic

The public health agency reaches out to patient for contact tracing, services, or other public health action

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The difference between eCR and traditional case reporting

Learn the difference between eCR and traditional case reporting. See how eCR is a faster process for sending and receiving more complete case report data.