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NIOSH-Funded Project

Work Zone Sign Design for Increased Driver Compliance and Worker Safety
The risk of struck-by incidents in highway work zones threatens construction worker health and safety. The project goal is to reduce construction worker injuries and deaths by investigating the use of dynamic message signs as a means of increasing driver compliance with posted traffic laws. This study uses a high-fidelity driving simulator to investigate how varying sign designs (sign content, refresh rate, and sign placement) affect speed reduction, compliance, and visual attention to workers in the work zone environment. Findings may help lower the incidence of struck-by incidents in work zones by identifying, and eventually implementing, effective sign designs for reducing driver speed and increasing compliance.

Primary Investigator: Lesley Strawderman, Ph.D., PE
Co-Primary Investigator: Teena Garrison, Ph.D.
Co-Primary Investigator: Carrick Williams, Ph.D.

Transportation Research Board-Funded Project

Identifying and Reducing Worker, Inspector, and Manager Fatigue in Rapid Renewal Environments
The impact of fatigue on the quality of work and the safety of workers, inspectors, and managers, especially on rapid renewal highway projects, is considered serious and in need of further investigation and solutions. This project investigates fatigue as it relates to rapid renewal projects, providing an overview of sleep, fatigue, and alertness and how they impact performance, teamwork, quality, and the potential for accidents and injury. It also reviews ways to mitigate fatigue by identifying safe limits for workers and supervisors.

Project Contact: Mark S. Bush
Transportation Research Board
Project Period: 2009-2012
Reports available here.