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Report Description

Health, United States  is the report on the health status of the nation, submitted by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to the President and the Congress of the United States. Every year, the report presents an overview of national health trends organized around four subject areas: health status and determinants, utilization of health resources, health care resources, and health care expenditures and payers.

Health, United States, 2019  presents trends and current information on selected measures of health in a 20-figure Chartbook, with major report findings summarized in Highlights. The Chartbook is supplemented by other products including Trend Tables, At-a-glance Table, and Appendixes . These sections and products are described below.



The Chartbook presents trends and current information on selected measures of morbidity, mortality, health care utilization and access, health risk factors, prevention, health insurance, and personal health care expenditures. In addition to in the report, Chartbook figures can be found on the Data Finder page as presentation slides (Microsoft PowerPoint). The figure data tables can be downloaded as PDF files, for viewing and printing, or as spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel) for data manipulation or graphical analysis.



The Appendixes contain detailed source information, in addition to explanations of methods and definitions of terms used in Health, United States. There are two appendixes in the report.

  • Appendix I. Data Sources includes descriptions of each data source used in Health, United States. It also includes external references that can provide the user with more information about the source.
  • Appendix II. Definitions and Methods includes definitions of terms used in Health, United States. It also includes information on the statistical methodologies used in the report.


Trend Tables

The online-only supplemental trend tables highlight major trends in health statistics in four subject areas: health status and determinants, utilization of health resources, health care resources, and health care expenditures and payers. An important criterion used in selecting trend tables is the availability of comparable national data over a period of several years.

All 49 Health, United States  trend tables can be found on the Data Finder page. Each trend table can be viewed and printed using a PDF reader, such as Adobe Acrobat. Trend tables are also available as downloadable spreadsheet files (Microsoft Excel) for data manipulation or graphical analysis. Many spreadsheet files include additional years of data not shown in the printed table, along with standard errors where available.


Additional Information

Current and previous editions, starting with Health, United States, 1975, are available through this website.

Permission has been obtained from copyright holders to reproduce certain quoted material in these reports. Further reproduction of these materials is prohibited without specific permission from the copyright holder. All other material is in the public domain. Citation as to source is appreciated.


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