Saving Babies

by Studying and Addressing the Causes of Birth Defects

A healthy baby sleeping peacefully

Every 4 ½ minutes

a baby is born with a major birth defect

Birth defects and infant disorders are common, costly, and critical. CDC’s National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD) saves babies by preventing birth defects and infant disorders like neonatal abstinence syndrome. NCBDDD identifies causes of these conditions, finds opportunities for prevention, and improves the health of those living with them.

As a result of NCBDDD work on…

Fiscal year 2021 budget related to saving babies
Budget Line FY23
Birth Defects $19.0M
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome / Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders $11.5M
Surveillance of Emerging Threats to Mothers and Babies $23.0M
Infant Health $8.7M
Folic Acid $3.2M
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome $4.3M
Fetal Death (Stillbirth) $0.9M
Total $70.5M