Civil Surgeons

Figure 1. Classification Algorithm for Suspected Substance Use Disorder, or Physical or Mental Disorder

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  1. Is the issue substance or alcohol related?
    1. If yes, then ask
      1. Are 2 or more DSM criteria met for a substance use disorder?
        1. If yes, then ask
          1. Is the substance on the Controlled Substances List?
            1. If yes, then
              1. Applicant is Class A
            2. If no, then ask
              1. Is current harmful behavior present or has there been previous harmful behavior that has been judged likely to recur?
                1. If yes, then
                  1. Applicant is Class A
                2. If no, then
                  1. Applicant is Class B
        2. If no, then
          1. Applicant is no class
        3. If there is insufficient information for diagnosis, then
          1. Defer for 3-6 months with an opportunity to show abstinence or obtain additional information
    2. If no, then ask
      1. Is DSM criteria met for a diagnosis?
        1. If yes, then ask
          1. Is current harmful behavior present or has there been previous harmful behavior that has been judged likely to recur?
            1. If yes, then
              1. Applicant is Class A
            2. If no, then
              1. Applicant is Class B
        2. If no, then
          1. Applicant is no class