Drowning Prevention Partners

Image of a family playing together in a lake

CDC’s Division of Injury Prevention in the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control works with organizations across the country and around the world to collect drowning data. The data are used to gain understanding, create recommendations, and offer resources that save lives.

Partner Profiles
A female lifeguard and a parent with a baby

CDC, the National Network of Public Health Institutes, and the American Red Cross

CDC is working with the National Network of Public Health Institutes and the American Red Cross to:

  • Identify barriers to participation in basic swimming and water-safety skills training among youth who are at higher risk of drowning due to racial and ethnic disparities.
  • Evaluate a program that teaches basic swimming and water safety skills to children ages 1–4.

CDC and the YMCA

CDC is working with the YMCA to:

  • Evaluate a program that teaches basic swimming and water safety skills to children ages 4-14 from communities at increased risk of drowning.
  • Pilot a process for collecting basic swimming and water safety skills data from program participants.

CDC, the National Network of Public Health Institutes, and the National Center for Fatality Review and Prevention

CDC is working with the National Network of Public Health Institutes and the National Center for Fatality Review and Prevention to:

  • Develop a standardized drowning death investigation toll.
  • Pilot the tool and enhanced data collection in child drowning deaths in several states.

Learn more about this work: Drowning Case Registry – The National Center for Fatality Review and Prevention