Stay Put and Seal Off Your Space in a Chemical Emergency

Some chemical emergencies, such as a train derailment or terrorist attack, may make leaving the area of danger (evacuating) dangerous to you. It may be safer for you stay inside where you are.

What does stay put and seal off your space mean?

  • Stay Put and Seal Off Your Space” means to stay put and seal off the space you are in from any outside air to make a safe place where you are. It means that leaving the area or building during a chemical emergency may place you in danger. It is a way to keep you as safe as possible until the emergency is under control.
  • Stay put and seal off your space is a type of shelter-in-place. It is different from shelter-in-place for severe weather or tornadoes or a nuclear or radiation emergency.
  • Listen to the radio, television, or your mobile news app, or follow instructions in text alerts to stay put and seal off your space.