Multimedia about Congenital Heart Defects

At a glance

CDC has provided online media, like video commentary, podcasts, and webinars to talk about what we know about heart defects. View these resources below.

App images in hand


Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) Podcasts on Healthy Little Hearts.

Listen to learn more about risk factors for having a baby with a heart defect and ways to prevent them before and during pregnancy.

Healthy Little Hearts "A Minute of Health with CDC" (short version)

[Listen] [View Transcript [68.8 KB / 1 page] ]

Healthy Little Hearts "A Cup of Health with CDC" (longer version)

[Listen] [View Transcript [85.6 KB / 3 pages] ]

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) Podcasts on Keeping Little Hearts Healthy.

Listen to learn more about heart defects and ways to help prevent them in newborns.

Keeping Little Hearts Healthy "A Minute of Health with CDC" (short version)

[Listen] [View Transcript [58.5 KB / 1 page]]

Keeping Little Hearts Healthy "A Cup of Health with CDC" (longer version)

[Listen] [View Transcript [71.8 KB / 3 pages]]


Watch the following webinars to learn more about critical heart defect screening.

The following organizations sponsor webinars about issues that affect the daily lives of people living with heart defects.

Disclaimer: Linking to a non-federal site does not constitute an endorsement by CDC, HHS, or any of its employees of the sponsors or the information and products presented on the site.