Autism Spectrum Disorder Articles

At a glance

Below is a list of recent scientific articles on autism spectrum disorder (ASD) generated from CDC programs and activities.

Articles image icon blue

Key findings and scientific articles

Key findings

These key findings provide brief summaries of some of CDC's latest ASD research.

Key Findings: ADDM Network Expands Surveillance to Identify Healthcare Needs and Transition Planning for Youth

Five of CDC's ADDM Network sites (Arkansas, Georgia, Maryland, Utah, and Wisconsin) began monitoring autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in 2018 among 16-year-old adolescents who were initially identified as having characteristics of ASD in 2010. (Published: February 25, 2023)

Key Findings: Study Shows Linking Statewide Data for ASD Prevalence is Effective

Linking statewide health and education data is an effective way for states to have actionable local ASD prevalence estimates when resources are limited. (Published: January 18, 2023)

Key Findings: CDC Releases First Estimates of the Number of Adults Living with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the United States

This study fills a gap in data on adults living with ASD in the United States because there is not an existing surveillance system to collect this information. (Published May 10, 2020)

CDC scientific articles

These articles are either from CDC-funded research or have at least one CDC author. These articles are listed by year of publication, with the most recent first.


"There is no epidemic of autism. It's an epidemic of need."

Two authors provide their commentary on CDC's2023 Community Report in an article published in STAT News' First Opinion (March 2023).

Read the full article here.




SEED Research

Researchers working on CDC's Study to Explore Early Development (SEED) have published many studies reporting on important findings related to ASD.

For more information on the methods and descriptions of the SEED study sample, SEED publications, and the evaluation of clinical and laboratory methods using SEED data, click the link below.

Featured Article | Summer 2023

CDC SEED study explores prenatal ultrasound use and risk of autism spectrum disorder

Doctor using ultrasound machine on pregnant person
A recent CDC SEED study looked at the association between prenatal ultrasound use and increased risk for ASD.

Prenatal ultrasound use and risk of autism spectrum disorder: Findings from the case-control Study to Explore Early Development (SEED). Christensen D, Pazol K, Overwyk KJ, et al. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2023;37(6):527-535.

Study findings‎

Prior studies have found no connection between prenatal ultrasound use and ASD. Through an updated study approach, findings from a 2023 SEED study confirm the previous research, showing no association between prenatal ultrasound use and increased risk for ASD. CDC remains committed to exploring potential risk factors for ASD by using world-class data and analytics.Read more.

Many additional studies are underway. We will provide summaries of those studies in the future.

All articles

Search CDC Stacks for articles that have been published by CDC authors within the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities from 1990 to present.