Archive: The Immunization Safety Office Scientific Agenda

In response to an Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommendation,1 the Immunization Safety Office (ISO) developed a five-year scientific agenda [PDF – 76 pages]  in 2011 to guide its vaccine safety science in three areas:

Visit the CDC
vaccine safety
publications library.

  •  Research
  • Surveillance (monitoring)
  • Guidance for healthcare providers

ISO continues to use the Scientific Agenda to guide its activities in advancing the state of knowledge, research, and surveillance of vaccine safety.

Development of the ISO Scientific Agenda

CDC and the National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC)  Vaccine Safety Working Group heard from people with a special interest in vaccines about their views on and priorities for vaccine safety research. Input on the ISO Scientific Agenda came from members of the general public, citizen groups, parents, physicians, public health practitioners, vaccine manufacturers, academicians, and policy makers.


In 2008, CDC completed an initial draft of the Scientific Agenda. At the request of CDC, the NVAC Vaccine Safety Working Group conducted a rigorous review of the draft Scientific Agenda, a process that included public and stakeholder engagement.

In June 2009, NVAC sent CDC its recommendations to the draft Scientific Agenda.  Each NVAC recommendation was reviewed and considered by CDC before finalizing the Scientific Agenda.

In February 2011, The ISO Scientific Agenda was reviewed and approved by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.


Institute of Medicine. Vaccine Safety Research, Data Access, and Public Trust. Washington, DC: National Academy Press; 2005.