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Occupational Cancer – Information for Workers

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Occupational Cancer Information

NIOSH Science Blog Posts on Occupational Cancer
The NIOSH Science Blog provides short public communications on a wide range of occupational health topics related to NIOSH research and recommendations, including a series of posts on occupational cancer.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Safety and Health Topics on Carcinogens
The OSHA webpage provides information on OSHA standards related to carcinogens (substances that cause cancer), identifying and minimizing cancer-causing hazards in the workplace, and worker rights and protections.

Selected NIOSH Worker Health Study Summaries
These summaries, or worker notifications, were sent to the workers who were included in each study. Many of the studies summarized on this page are now finished and may not reflect current NIOSH research.

General Cancer Information

National Cancer Institute (NCI) Factsheets
The NCI fact sheet collection addresses a variety of cancer topics. Fact sheets are updated and revised based on the latest cancer research.

CDC Cancer Resources page
CDC’s Division of Cancer Prevention and Control is advancing cancer prevention nationwide for everyone.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Evaluating Pesticides for Carcinogenic Potential
The EPA webpage provides information on how EPA reviews pesticides for potential carcinogenicity (their potential to cause cancer) and explains the Agency’s guidelines for evaluating a chemical’s potential carcinogenicity.

Other Resources

NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluation (HHE) Program
The Health Hazard Evaluation Program helps employees, unions, and employers learn whether health hazards are present at their workplace and recommends ways to reduce hazards and prevent work-related illness. Our evaluations are done at no cost to the employees, unions, or employers.

CDC-INFO is CDC’s national contact center and publication fulfillment system. CDC-INFO offers live agents by phone and email to help you find the latest, reliable, and science-based health information on more than 750 health topics, including occupational exposures and cancer risk factors.