Proposal Review and Committee Decision

The RDC Analyst circulates the proposal to the Review Committee. The Review Committee includes the Data System Representative(s) and the Confidentiality Officer. The review usually takes about 8 to 12 weeks.

Review Committee Decision

  • Revise and resubmit
    • If the researcher is asked to revise and resubmit their proposal, the RDC Analyst will provide the Review Committee feedback to the researcher for proposal revision.
    • You should always follow the following  these steps for updating your proposal:
      • Indicate “Revised” and the date [00/00/0000] on the first page.
      • Provide a written summary of the changes and why they are necessary throughout the relevant sections of the proposal.
      • Highlight or “track” all changes.
      • Email the revised proposal directly to your RDC Analyst; include the written summary of the changes.

  • Approve
    • NCHS approval reflects the judgment that this research, as described in the proposal, is an appropriate use of the requested data and that it is feasible to complete the project using the RDC.
    • Approval does not mean NCHS endorses the merit of the proposed research or its substantive, methodological, theoretical, or policy relevance.
    • Approval of a proposal does not explicitly or implicitly guarantee that all output generated by the researcher will be released. Output that poses a disclosure risk will be suppressed. Output will not be released if it is not described in the approved proposal.
    • Project approval lasts for three years. After three years of active use or one year of inactivity, you may be required to submit a new proposal

  •  Disapprove