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Engineering Controls Database

Control of Wood Dust for Table Saws

Table saws have been found to create significant amounts of wood dust.
Workers exposed to wood dusts have experienced a variety of adverse health effects such as eye and skin irritation, allergy, reduced lung function, asthma, and nasal cancer.
NIOSH researchers found that the wood dust generated by table saws is often poorly controlled. To address this problem, researchers designed and tested a control system for table saws that significantly reduced wood dust emissions.

Table saws are widely used in many types of woodworking operations. Although they are sometimes used only sporadically, they are found to generate significant amounts of dust. The traditional method of dust control for table saws is exhaust through the bottom of the table. This is often not adequate to control the large amounts of high speed dust generated by the saw blade. To better control the dust, NIOSH researchers added a Local Exhaust Hood to the table saw. Another modification involved the addition of a divider plate in the table base to increase the exhaust velocity and aid clean out. The table exhaust location was also relocated. The exhaust hood, when placed over the top of the blade saw, contains the dust as it is thrown from the saw blade. The hood is designed so that it will not interfere with the operator's activities, is easy to install and maintain, and is inexpensive to operate.

Auxiliary exhaust hood for table saws

Auxiliary exhaust hood for table saws
180-05-A; 180-05-B; 180-05-C; 180-05-D; 180-05-E; 180-05-F; 180-05-G; 180-05-H; 180-05-I; 180-05-J1; 180-05-J2; 180-05-K1; 180-05-K2; 180-05-L; 180-05-M; 180-05-N; 180-05-O; 180-05-P; 180-05-Q; 180-05-R; 180-05-S; 180-05-T; 180-05-U; 180-05-V; 180-11-A; 185-05-A; 185-05-B; 185-05-C; 185-05-D;
table saw
Laboratory testing indicates that the exhaust hood reduces wood dust emissions by greater than 90 percent when it is installed on a typical table saw.