GEH 2017 Intern Profiles

2017 GEH Interns

Chelsey George
Chelsey George

West Virginia University
Masters of Public Health – Epidemiology

Throughout this summer, I was fortunate enough to work with an amazing cohort in the Air Pollution and Respiratory Disease branch at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As I prepare to end my appointment here at the CDC on August 4, 2017, I look back on how I have grown in these short two months and all that I have learned. In short, my internship here at the CDC has given me the opportunity to experience more than just academia and gave me real-life experience in epidemiology. I’m very grateful for my supervisor, mentor, coordinators, and fellow interns for making this summer educational and enjoyable.

Lydia McAliley
Lydia McAliley

Emory University
Epidemiology and Environmental Health MPH
Davidson College
Environmental Studies BS

Overall, this experience has helped me gain new skills and solidified my career goals. I hope to be able to continue working with the CDC in the future. I would highly recommend this internship experience to any potential applicant interested in a career in public health, even if their interested in a career outside of the federal government because of the wide exposure this position offers to public health practice.

Page last reviewed: October 27, 2017