Spanish Materials

Infant and Childhood Vaccine Resources for Spanish Speaking Parents

These resources provide information for Spanish speaking parents about vaccines for infants and children, the diseases vaccines prevent, and how to care for their child during vaccine visits. To see immunization schedules and use interactive schedule tools, go to The Vaccine Schedule page.

Listicles & Infographics

Madre cargando a su bebé mientras habla con una proveedora de atención médica.

Nueve cosas para que las inyecciones sean menos estresantes
(9 Things to Make Vaccines Less Stressful)

Shots can be stressful for babies and parents. Fortunately, there are things parents can do to make vaccine visits easier and less stressful.

Cómo fortalecen las vacunas el sistema inmunitario de su bebé

Cómo fortalecen las vacunas el sistema inmunitario de su bebé
(How Vaccines Strengthen Your Baby’s Immune System)

Learn how vaccines work with a baby’s immune system to protect him from potentially serious diseases.

Fact Sheets

Preguntas frecuentes sobre la vacunación infantil

Preguntas frecuentes sobre la vacunación infantil
(Infant Immunization Frequently Asked Questions)

Read answers to common questions about vaccine safety, the recommended schedule, how vaccines protect children from 14 diseases by age two, and more.

¡Crece sano!

¡Crece sano!
(Grow-Up Healthy!)
Review or print this growth chart to learn about recommended vaccines and developmental milestones by age.

Print Ads & Posters

They may be downloaded, copied, and distributed without alteration free of charge.

A limited quantity of posters can be ordered for free from CDC-INFO On Demand – Publications. To check availability and to place your order, select “Immunizations and Vaccines (Childhood)” under the Programs drop down menu.

Note that commercial printer files are available upon request.*

La vacuna contra la tosferina para proteger a tu bebé desde el inicio.

La vacuna contra la tosferina para proteger a tu bebé desde el inicio.
(Make sure your baby is born with protection against whooping cough.)

Protección contra la tosferina para tu pequeño milagro.

Protección contra la tosferina para tu pequeño milagro.
(Mom, you’ll always protect your little miracle.)

Mi vida...Prometo protegerte contra 14 enfermedades graves.

Mi vida…Prometo protegerte contra 14 enfermedades graves.
(My life…I promise to protect you against 14 serious diseases.)

Mi vida... hoy celebramos tu segundo cumpleaños.

Mi vida… hoy celebramos tu segundo cumpleaños.
(My life…today we celebrate your 2nd birthday.)

Mi Tesoro...prometo protegerte contra 14 enfermedades graves.

Mi Tesoro…prometo protegerte contra 14 enfermedades graves.
(My treasure…I promise to protect you against 14 serious diseases.)

CDC YouTube Videos

Illustration of person holding a cell phone with an image of a baby holding a ball displaying on the cell phone.

Cómo enferman los microbios a su bebé?)
(How Do Germs Make Your Baby Sick?
15 Seconds

Illustration of germs on a baby.

Asegúrese de vacunarse a tiempo
(How Do Vaccines Help Babies Fight Infections
15 Seconds

*Upon Request
If you want to reproduce higher quality or large quantities of these pieces, consider using a local commercial printer. We can provide high-resolution, press-ready files. If you need a high-res file, indicate your printer’s specifications in an email request.