Supplementary tables for Estimated Vaccination Coverage with Selected Vaccines and Doses Among Adolescents Aged 13–17 Years and Total Survey Error — National Immunization Survey–Teen, United States, 2020

Online Supplementary Table 1. Estimated vaccination coverage with selected vaccines and doses among adolescents aged 13-17 years*, by race/ethnicity– National Immunization Survey-Teen, United States, 2020

Online Supplementary Table 1. Estimated vaccination coverage with selected vaccines and doses among adolescents aged 13-17 years*, by race/ethnicity†- National Immunization Survey-Teen (NIS-Teen), United States, 2020
Vaccines Race/Ethnicity, % (95% CI)§
White only, non-Hispanic
(n = 12,582)
Black only,
(n = 1,671)
(n = 3,410)
American Indian/Alaska Native only, non-Hispanic
(n = 252)
Asian, non-Hispanic
(n = 808)
(n = 1,367)
Tdap ≥ 1 dose 91.5 (90.6 to 92.4) 89.0 (86.3 to 91.2) 87.6 (84.9 to 89.9) ** 88.7 (76.9 to 94.9) 90.8 (87.0 to 93.6) 90.6 (87.5 to 93.0)
≥1 dose 89.3 (88.2 to 90.3) 89.4 (87.0 to 91.4) 89.2 (86.4 to 91.4) 93.3 (88.3 to 96.3) 89.2 (84.2 to 92.7) 89.9 (87.1 to 92.2)
≥2 doses§§ 58.0 (54.6 to 61.4) 46.8 (38.2 to 55.5) ** 52.5 (44.1 to 60.8) 63.8 (42.9 to 80.6) 51.9 (34.1 to 69.2) 47.5 (36.4 to 58.8)
HPV¶¶ vaccine coverage by doses
All Adolescents
≥1 dose 71.1 (69.7 to 72.5) 78.1 (74.7 to 81.2) ** 80.0 (77.0 to 82.7) ** 85.3 (78.4 to 90.3) ** 77.2 (71.4 to 82.0) ** 77.9 (73.1 to 82.1) **
HPV UTD*** 55.4 (53.9 to 56.9) 60.7 (56.9 to 64.4) ** 62.7 (59.3 to 66.1) ** 66.4 (52.8 to 77.7) 60.9 (54.2 to 67.2) 60.7 (55.7 to 65.5) **
≥1 dose 72.4 (70.3 to 74.4) 80.0 (75.3 to 84.0) ** 84.0 (80.1 to 87.3) ** 91.8 (82.5 to 96.4) ** 77.0 (68.8 to 83.5) 79.3 (71.2 to 85.6)
HPV UTD 57.1 (54.8 to 59.3) 63.9 (58.4 to 69.0) ** 67.9 (62.9 to 72.5) ** 71.8 (47.0 to 88.0) 62.6 (53.5 to 70.8) 62.8 (55.1 to 69.9)
≥1 dose 69.9 (67.9 to 71.8) 76.1 (71.1 to 80.5) ** 76.5 (72.1 to 80.4) ** 77.1 (66.7 to 85.0) 77.4 (68.8 to 84.1) 76.3 (70.9 to 80.9) **
HPV UTD 53.8 (51.7 to 55.9) 57.4 (52.0 to 62.6) 58.3 (53.6 to 63.0) 59.5 (47.2 to 70.7) 59.2 (49.2 to 68.5) 58.2 (51.9 to 64.2)
MMR ≥2 doses 93.6 (92.7 to 94.3) 92.7 (90.7 to 94.4) 89.5 (86.9 to 91.7) ** 98.3 (95.5 to 99.4) ** 91.2 (84.4 to 95.3) 94.3 (92.0 to 96.0)
Hepatitis A vaccine ≥2 doses††† 79.9 (78.6 to 81.0) 80.7 (77.7 to 83.4) 85.4 (82.7 to 87.8) ** 94.8 (90.5 to 97.2) ** 85.6 (79.2 to 90.3) ** 85.4 (81.9 to 88.4) **
Hepatitis B vaccine ≥3 doses 93.9 (93.1 to 94.6) 92.2 (90.3 to 93.8) 89.6 (87.2 to 91.7) ** 94.5 (84.9 to 98.1) 92.1 (85.6 to 95.8) 94.9 (92.8 to 96.5)
History of varicella§§§ 8.7 (7.9 to 9.6) 5.3 (3.9 to 7.1) ** 9.4 (7.4 to 11.8) 8.2 (5.0 to 13.1) 9.7 (5.8 to 15.9) 6.8 (4.6 to 9.9)
Among adolescents with no history of varicella:
≥1 dose vaccine 96.3 (95.6 to 96.9) 95.6 (94.1 to 96.7) 93.7 (91.3 to 95.4) ** 99.2 (96.6 to 99.8) ** 96.2 (93.5 to 97.8) 96.8 (95.1 to 98.0)
≥2 doses vaccine 93.0 (92.0 to 93.8) 91.0 (88.8 to 92.8) 89.8 (87.0 to 92.0) ** 97.6 (94.6 to 98.9) ** 90.2 (82.7 to 94.6) 94.6 (92.4 to 96.1)
History of varicella or received ≥2 doses varicella vaccine 93.6 (92.7 to 94.4) 91.5 (89.4 to 93.2) 90.7 (88.2 to 92.8) ** 97.8 (95.0 to 99.0) ** 91.1 (84.2 to 95.2) 94.9 (92.9 to 96.4)

Abbreviations: CI = confidence interval; HPV = human papillomavirus; MenACWY = quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine; MMR = measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine; Tdap = tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid, and acellular pertussis vaccine; UTD = up to date.

* Adolescents (N = 20,163) in the 2020 NIS-Teen were born January 2002 through January 2008.

† Adolescent’s race/ethnicity was reported by their parent or guardian. Adolescents identified in this report as white, black, Asian, American Indian/Alaska Native, or multiracial were reported by the parent or guardian as non-Hispanic. Adolescents identified as multiracial had more than one race category selected. Adolescents identified as Hispanic might be of any race. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islanders were not included in the table because of small sample sizes (n= 73).

§ Estimates with 95% confidence interval widths > 20 may not be reliable.

¶Includes percentages receiving Tdap vaccine at age ≥10 years.

** Statistically significant difference (p<0.05) in estimated vaccination coverage by race/ethnicity; referent group was adolescents non-Hispanic whites.

†† Includes percentages receiving MenACWY and meningococcal-unknown type vaccine.

§§ ≥2 doses of MenACWY or meningococcal-unknown type vaccine. Calculated only among adolescents who were aged 17 years at interview. Does not include adolescents who received 1 dose of MenACWY vaccine at age ≥16 years.

¶¶ HPV vaccine, nine-valent (9vHPV), quadrivalent (4vHPV), or bivalent (2vHPV) in females and males combined.

*** HPV UTD includes those with ≥ 3 doses, and those with 2 doses when the first HPV vaccine dose was initiated prior – age 15 years and there was at least five months minus four days between the first and second dose. This update to the HPV recommendation occurred in December of 2016.

†††In July 2020, ACIP revised recommendations for HepA vaccination to include catch-up vaccination for children and adolescents aged 2–18 years who have not previously received HepA vaccine at any age. MMWR Recomm Rep 2020;69(No. RR-5):1–38.

§§§ By parent/guardian report or provider records.

Online Supplementary Table 2. Estimated vaccination coverage with selected vaccines and doses among adolescents aged 13–17* years, by Health Insurance Status— National Immunization Survey–Teen, United States, 2020

Online Supplementary Table 2. Estimated vaccination coverage with selected vaccines and doses among adolescents aged 13–17* years, by Health Insurance Status— National Immunization Survey–Teen (NIS-Teen), United States, 2020.
Vaccines Health Insurance Status†, % (95% CI)§
Private Insurance Only
(n = 12,004)
(n = 5,937)
Other Insurance
(n = 1,539)
(n = 683)
Tdap ≥ 1 dose 91.5 (90.5 to 92.5) 88.4 (86.5 to 90.1) ** 89.9 (87.4 to 92.0) 86.3 (80.6 to 90.6) **
≥1 dose 90.2 (89.0 to 91.3) 88.6 (86.8 to 90.2) 89.0 (86.2 to 91.2) 85.5 (80.6 to 89.3) **
≥2 doses§§ 58.1 (54.3 to 61.9) 50.6 (44.1 to 57.1) 54.3 (43.1 to 65.0) 35.5 (22.0 to 51.7) **
HPV¶¶ vaccine
All Adolescents
≥1 dose 73.3 (71.7 to 74.8) 79.4 (77.3 to 81.3) ** 72.1 (68.0 to 75.9) 65.5 (58.4 to 72.0) **
HPV UTD*** 58.7 (57.0 to 60.3) 61.1 (58.6 to 63.5) 55.1 (50.3 to 59.8) 42.4 (35.3 to 49.9) **
≥1 dose 75.8 (73.6 to 77.8) 80.0 (77.0 to 82.7) ** 75.7 (70.2 to 80.5) 70.9 (61.1 to 79.2)
HPV UTD 61.7 (59.3 to 64.0) 62.9 (59.3 to 66.5) 56.0 (49.4 to 62.4) 51.7 (41.3 to 62.1)
≥1 dose 70.8 (68.6 to 73.0) 78.8 (76.0 to 81.4) ** 68.6 (62.3 to 74.3) 61.2 (51.1 to 70.4)
HPV UTD 55.7 (53.4 to 58.0) 59.4 (56.0 to 62.7) 54.1 (47.2 to 61.0) 34.9 (25.9 to 45.2) **
MMR ≥2 doses 93.7 (92.9 to 94.4) 90.8 (88.8 to 92.4) ** 92.2 ( 89.2 to 94.4) 90.7 (86.6 to 93.6)
Hepatitis A vaccine ≥2 doses††† 81.8 (80.5 to 83.0) 83.2 (81.2 to 85.0) 83.4 (79.8 to 86.4) 74.9 (68.5 to 80.3) **
Hepatitis B vaccine ≥3 doses 93.6 (92.8 to 94.4) 91.4 (89.6 to 92.8) ** 93.9 (91.3 to 95.7) 88.0 (82.7 to 91.8) **
History of varicella§§§ 6.6 (5.8 to 7.4) 9.4 (7.9 to 11.0) ** 10.8 (7.6 to 14.9) ** 18.3 (12.9 to 25.2) **
No history of varicella disease
≥1 dose vaccine 96.0 (95.3 to 96.6) 95.1 (93.5 to 96.3) 95.2 (92.1 to 97.1) 95.2 (92.6 to 96.9)
≥2 doses vaccine 93.0 (92.1 to 93.8) 90.2 (88.1 to 92.0) ** 91.6 (88.3 to 94.0) 91.8 (88.8 to 94.1)
History of varicella or received ≥2 doses varicella vaccine 93.5 (92.6 to 94.2) 91.1 (89.2 to 92.8) ** 92.5 (89.6 to 94.7) 93.3 (90.9 to 95.2)

Abbreviations: CI = confidence interval; HPV = human papillomavirus; MenACWY = quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine; MMR = measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine; Tdap = tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid, and acellular pertussis vaccine; UTD = up to date.

* Adolescents (N = 20,163) in the 2020 NIS-Teen were born January 2002 through January 2008.

† Adolescents’ health insurance status was reported by parent or guardian. “Other insurance” includes the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), military insurance, Indian Health Service, and any other type of health insurance not mentioned elsewhere.

§ Estimates with 95% confidence interval widths > 20 may not be reliable.

¶ Includes percentages receiving Tdap vaccine at age ≥10 years.

** Statistically significant difference (p<0.05) in estimated vaccination coverage by health insurance status; referent group was adolescents with private insurance.

†† Includes percentages receiving MenACWY and meningococcal-unknown type vaccine.

§§ ≥2 doses of MenACWY or meningococcal-unknown type vaccine. Calculated only among adolescents who were aged 17 years at interview. Does not include adolescents who received 1 dose of MenACWY vaccine at age ≥16 years.

¶¶ HPV vaccine, nine-valent (9vHPV), quadrivalent (4vHPV), or bivalent (2vHPV) in females and males combined.

*** HPV UTD includes those with ≥ 3 doses, and those with 2 doses when the first HPV vaccine dose was initiated prior – age 15 years and there was at least five months minus four days between the first and second dose. This update to the HPV recommendation occurred in December of 2016.

††† In July 2020, ACIP revised recommendations for HepA vaccination to include catch-up vaccination for children and adolescents aged 2–18 years who have not previously received HepA vaccine at any age. MMWR Recomm Rep 2020;69(No. RR-5):1–38.

§§§ By parent/guardian report or provider records.

ONLINE SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE 3. Estimated Total Survey Error (TSE) Distribution and Component Error Distributions, National Immunization Survey-Teen, United States, 2020

ONLINE SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE 3. Estimated Total Survey Error (TSE) Distribution and Component Error Distributions, National Immunization Survey-Teen (NIS-Teen), United States, 2020
Vaccine or Series Component Mean TSE
(percentage points)
95% Credible Interval
(percentage points)
≥1 dose Tdap* TSE (final weighted) -6.3 (-7.9, -4.1)
TSE (design weighted) -6.2 (-7.8, -4.0)
Noncoverage error 0.1 (-0.1, 1.0)
Nonresponse error -1.3 (-3.3, 1.2)
Measurement error -5.1 (-6.2, -3.7)
Sampling error 0.0 (-1.3, 1.6)
≥1 dose MenACWY† TSE (final weighted) -3.7 (-5.9, -0.9)
TSE (design weighted) -3.9 (-6.0, -1.0)
Noncoverage error 0.1 (-0.1, 0.7)
Nonresponse error 0.2 (-2.2, 3.2)
Measurement error -4.2 (-5.2, -2.9)
Sampling error 0.0 (-1.3, 1.5)
UTD for HPV§ TSE (final weighted) -2.8 (-6.0, 0.5)
TSE (design weighted) -3.9 (-7.1, -0.5)
Noncoverage error 0.2 (-0.1, 0.6)
Nonresponse error -1.8 (-5.3, 2.0)
Measurement error -2.3 (-3.9, -0.8)
Sampling error 0.0 (-1.5, 1.6)

Abbreviations: HPV = human papillomavirus; MenACWY = quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine; Tdap = tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid, and acellular pertussis vaccine; UTD = up to date.

* Includes percentages receiving Tdap vaccine at age ≥10 years.

† Includes percentages receiving MenACWY or meningococcal-unknown type vaccine.

§ HPV UTD includes those with ≥ 3 doses, and those with 2 doses when the first HPV vaccine dose was initiated prior to age 15 years and there was at least five months minus four days between the first and second dose. This update to the HPV recommendation occurred in December of 2016.