National Immunization Awareness Month Graphics

Graphics are sized for various social media platforms and use on websites, newsletters, and other materials.

NIAM Logo Graphics

NIAM Promotional Graphics

Use these NIAM graphics and share vaccine resources to help you promote routine vaccination on various social media platforms and websites.


Before they crack the next joke let's catch up on routine vaccines.
Before they write their whole name let's catch up on routine vaccines.
Before you see the world protect yourself with vaccines.
Before they move to the big kid table let's catch up on routine vaccines.
Before you welcome your bundle of joy protect yourself and your baby with vaccines.
Protect precious moments. Stay up to date on routine vaccines.


Protege momentos preciosos. mantente al día. con las vacunas de rutina.
Antes de que digan "mama". Pongámoslos al día. con las vacunas de rutina.
Before you see the world protect yourself with vaccines.
Antes de que cuenten su próximo chiste. pongámoslos al día. con las vacunas de rutina.
Antes de que escriban su nombre completo. Pongámoslos al día. con las vacunas de rutina.
¿Se van a conocer el mundo? protege a tu familia con vacunas.