University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center

Village Interventions and Venues for Action II (VIVA II): Dissemination and Implementation


The University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center (UNM PRC) core research project, “Village Interventions and Venues for Action II (VIVA II): Dissemination and Implementation,” will adapt and implement evidence-based recommendations.. The strategies address increasing physical activity, healthy beverage choices, and tobacco-free living. The project will include three levels of expanded outreach: local, expansion and statewide.

  •  Cuba, New Mexico ( local community/Beta Site)—
    • Examine the extent to which community strategies to improve physical activity were implemented and how well they worked. These strategies include a community-wide campaign to promote walking and hiking for health; access and enhancements to places to be physically active; street-scale design, community-scale design, individually-adapted behavior change programs; and social support for physical activity.
    • In partnership with the community (Step Into Cuba Alliance), the UNM PRC will expand on strategies to increase physical activity adding new approaches for increasing water consumption, decreasing consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages, and promoting tobacco-free living
  • Expansion Communities—
    • Examine the expansion of strategies implemented in Cuba, New Mexico, to other rural communities expressing interest.
  • New Mexico, Statewide—
    • Study the scaling up of strategies implemented in the expansion communities to other rural communities statewide.

Through this research, the UNM PRC expects to develop a model for adapting, disseminating and implementing evidence-based research on active living, healthy beverage choices, and tobacco-free living in rural, underserved communities.

Project Identifier Village Interventions and Venues for Action II (VIVA II): Dissemination and Implementation

Funding Source PRC Program

Project Status Active

Host Institution The University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center

Health Topics Physical activity | Nutrition | Tobacco prevention and control | Chronic Diseases

Research setting City/Town | Rural areas

Race or ethnicity Hispanic or Latino | American Indian or Alaska Native

Gender No specific focus

Age group No specific focus

Contact Information Center

University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center

MSC 11 6145

Albuquerque, NM 87131

Principal Investigator
Sally M. Davis, PhD

PRC Director
Sally M. Davis, PhD
Phone: (505) 272-4462