State Injury Indicators Report, Fourth Edition–2005 Data

CDC, the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, and the State and Territorial Injury Prevention Directors Association present the fourth edition of the State Injury Indicators Report with 2005 data. This report compiles injury information from 34 states and consolidates data from hospital records, death certificates, and several national surveillance systems. The report provides the rates of various intentional and unintentional injuries—such as traumatic brain injuries, fire and burn injuries, and suicides—and related factors.

Findings in this report can help states and U.S. territories determine their injury prevention program priorities, evaluate the effectiveness of program activities, and identify problems needing further investigation. As more states and U.S. territories participate in this surveillance effort, CDC can present a broader picture of the burden of injuries to help states and U.S. territories target their injury prevention priorities.

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  • Download a free copy of the Instructions, Fourth Edition-2005.