Mpox Vaccination Basics

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Get the vaccine if you
  • Are a gay, bisexual, or other same-gender loving man who has sex with men or are transgender, gender non-binary, or gender-diverse AND in the last 6 months you have had, or expect to have
    • One or more sexually transmitted infections
    • More than one sexual partner, or anonymous sexual or intimate contact
    • Sex at a commercial sex venue
    • Sex in association with a large public event in a geographic area where mpox transmission is occurring
Get the vaccine if you
  • Have had sexual or intimate contact with a person who is at risk of mpox as described above
  • Have had sexual or intimate contact with someone who may have mpox. Get vaccinated as soon as possible after exposure, regardless of your sexual or gender identity.
Get both doses of the vaccine

Unless there is a medical reason you cannot get the vaccine, like a severe allergic reaction (such as anaphylaxis) after a previous dose or a severe allergic reaction to a vaccine component.

Mpox vaccines are effective at protecting you from mpox.

Two doses provide the best protection. Get dose 1, wait 4 weeks, and then get dose 2. You will have maximum protection two weeks after your second dose.

Two doses provide the best protection. Get dose 1, wait 4 weeks, and then get dose 2. If you can’t get your second dose on time, you should get it as soon as possible to complete the series. You will have maximum protection two weeks after your second dose.

Read more about the vaccine, how it’s given, side effects, and where to get it at Mpox Vaccine Recommendations.

Do you need an mpox vaccine? Two doses provide the best protection.